
My&Clean+ is a system that allows to registration of all the gloved hand disinfection processes, their correct execution, and frequency. In case of an unsuccessful supply, it signals also the eventual necessity to repeat the process. The sanitizer is supplied directly from the 1L bottle inside the device. In this way, there is no cross-contamination due to the passage between the operator’s hands. The sterility of the sanitizer is guaranteed by the bottle itself, as the original packaging is not modified during the placement in the housing and its use in the device.

The number of supplies can be set, in compliance with what is established in the company SOPs (forms 1 to 10). Moreover, there are visual and acoustic alarms, to signal the success/failure of the disinfection process, absence of the bottle, low sanitizer, and open door. My&Clean+ can be installed on one or more devices (that can be monitored by a remote workstation).

The device detects the operator’s data and convalidates and records the disinfection operations without any contact with the instrument. It is possible to view and create reports.

Dimensions mm 394 x 185 x 515. Weight Kg 7,5.

1 piece.

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